Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Contoh kalimat Adjective

1.      I’m desirous of solving my problem as soon as possible.
2.      It’s untrue that I’m ashamed of you
3.      I wonder why he became angry about everything.
4.      Rian is anxious to meet his future in-law.
5.      Rina was afraid of the dark.
6.      Some people are difficult to step out of the comfort zone.
7.      The sport is totally exciting to me.
8.      The students are aware of Indonesia’s economic condition.
9.      Vina is an pharmacist who is accurate in mixing the drugs.
10.  Your success is dependent upon your effort.

Contoh kalimat Verb + Complement + Modifier

1.      He buy somethink at market.
2.      He wanted to go to the mountains next month.
3.      I like playing football at campus H.
4.      John went to the market yesterday.
5.      She isn't beautiful in campus.
6.      She helped mom cooking in the kitchen
7.      Tom and I eat a fried chicken last night.
8.      They were studying a group in my house tonight.
9.      We eat lunch in this restaurant today.
10.  We were on vacation today.

Contoh kalimat Countable

1.      He has run a business since 2008.
2.      I have tried kinds of cheeses from many countries.
3.      The boy drank a glass of milk
4.      The woman put some juices on the table.
5.      They sent me a cake on my birthday.

Contoh kalimat Uncountable

1.      He drank some juice at the party.
2.      She gave the first piece of cake for her mother.
3.      Business is one of the most favorite topic in the class.
4.      The woman is grating a bar of cheese
5.      The box is made of glass.